Input Parameters#

Simulation-level Parameters#

Options the control the VSPEC run at the highest level and act as a container for all the parameters below.

InternalParameters(header, star, planet, ...)

Class to store parameters for a VSPEC simulation.

Header(data_path, teff_min, teff_max, seed)

Header for VSPEC simulation

Stellar Parameters#

The intrinsic properties of the star.

StarParameters(psg_star_template, teff, ...)

Parameters describing the VSPEC stellar model.

SpotParameters(distribution, ...)

Parameters controling variability from star spots.

FaculaParameters(distribution, ...)

Facula Parameters

FlareParameters(dist_teff_mean, ...)

Class to store stellar flare parameters

GranulationParameters(mean, amp, period, dteff)

Granulation Parameters

LimbDarkeningParameters(u1, u2)

Limb Darkening Parameters for the Quadratic Limb Darkening Law

Bulk Planet and System Parameters#

Bulk (i.e. non-GCM) properties of the planet and properties of the system in relation to the observer.

PlanetParameters(name, radius, gravity, ...)

Class representing planet parameters.

GravityParameters(mode, value)

Class representing gravity parameters.

SystemParameters(distance, inclination, ...)

Class representing system parameters.

GCM Parameters#

Properties of the Global Circulation Model (GCM) that describe the planet.

gcmParameters(gcm_getter, mean_molec_weight, ...)

Class to store GCM parameters.

PSG/GlobES Parameters#

Options that are specific to the opperation of PSG/GlobES

psgParameters(gcm_binning, phase_binning, ...)

Class to store parameters for the Planetary Spectrum Generator (PSG).

Observation Parameters#

These properties control the length of the observation and the cadence of integrations.

ObservationParameters(observation_time, ...)

Class storing parameters for observations.

Instrument Parameters#

A description of the instrument that controls the bandpass, resolving power, and noise.

InstrumentParameters(telescope, bandpass, ...)

Class to store instrument parameters for observations.


TelescopeParameters(aperture, mode, zodi[, ...])

Base class for telescope Parameters.

SingleDishParameters(aperture, zodi)

Parameters for a single dish telescope.

CoronagraphParameters(aperture, zodi, ...)

Parameters for a coronagraph telescope.


BandpassParameters(wl_blue, wl_red, ...)

Class to store bandpass parameters for observations.


DetectorParameters(beam_width, ...)

Class to store detector parameters for observations.

ccdParameters(pixel_sampling, read_noise, ...)

Class to store CCD parameters for observations.

The PSGtable Class#

Some parameters in PSG can take a table of input in the place of a single value (e.g. instrument thoughput can be a function of wavelength). An advanced VSPEC user can use the PSGtable class to specify these inputs. Note that the user must be careful to place values in the units that PSG is expecting.

PSGtable(x, y)

Class to store Table data for PSG

parse_table(val, cls)

Parse some input that could potentially construct a PSGtable object.

The Base Parameter Class#

This is the base class for input parameters.


Base class for Parameters